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Onionspray security model

This section has security analysis and advisories about Onionspray.

How safe is an Onion Service rewriting proxy?

It is generally safe to run an Onion Service proxy for your public websites, as long as you make sure to properly configure it and understand it's limits.

Make sure that HTTPS certificates are always validated

Upstream HTTPS certificate validity

Configure Onionspray to always check the upstream HTTPS certificate.

This can be done with the nginx_proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate setting, that should be configured in every project.

The backend proxy connection relies on HTTPS with properly validated certificates:

  • This is enforced for Onionspray projects configured with the nginx_proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate setting, which makes the rewriting proxy to only connect to HTTPS endpoints which it can properly validate the certificate. This will protect the Onion Service from many machine-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. More information on this attack vector is detailed in this security advisory.

  • But this won't protect it from domain and/or Certificate Authority (CA) hijacks. If the domain and/or the CA is hijacked, rogue certificates can be generated and attackers can point the upstream domain to a rogue site.

Make sure to properly configure the DNS

To increase protection against impersonation, it can be desirable to ensure the rewriting proxy is using an appropriate DNS resolver:

  • In Onionspray projects, this can be achieved with the nginx_resolver configuration setting. You can then point the rewriting proxy to use a DNS proxy that properly checks domain entries, relying on technologies such as DNSSEC and DNS over TLS or HTTPS.

  • You can further increase the security of your upstream, public DNS domain by setting up DNSSEC.

  • If you really want finer control, you can set nginx_resolver to a customized DNS resolver that has a hardcoded or internal view where you can manually set the IP addresses for the upstream site.

Make sure users are aware of the official .onion address

Inform users about the official .onion

Properly communicate to your users about the official .onion address.

Impersonation attacks can also work through social engineering, by convincing users to use rogue .onion addresses impersonating the official website:

  • It's easy to run an Onion Service rewriting proxy for public websites. In fact anybody can do it, and in a few minutes it's possible to do it with Onionspray, and and it's also easy to make a rewriting proxy that goes beyond fixing URLs and also tampers with the content.

  • The only thing that protects such impersionation is to make sure users are browsing the correct site.

There are many ways to inform your users about the correct .onion addresses to use, especially by setting Onion Location in the regular site.

There are also some usability proposals to improve this.

Use UNIX sockets whenever possible

In Onionspray, the connection between C Tor daemon processes and the rewriting proxies are done through UNIX sockets with proper ownership and permissions, to make it more difficult to tamper or eavesdrop on this connection.